Μόλις διάβασα το παρακάτω άρθρο στο www.parentingskillsblog.com ήξερα πως αυτές οι συμβουλές αυτής
της μαμάς ήταν πανέξυπνες!!!
Σίγουρα θα προσπαθήσω να τις εφαρμόσω και εγώ!!!
Το πλήρες post ακολουθεί -με κίτρινο υπογράμμισα αυτά που θέλω να θυμάμαι:
Raise Optimistic Kids with This "Flip the Switch" Technique!
"In our family, we have created a practice of "Flipping the Switch" on dark moods/conversations. I taught my boys very early on, that they and only they determine their thoughts, reactions and words.
Find people who are doing what you want to do and are where you want to be. I do not encourage them to dismiss or abandon people. And I certainly do not condone rudeness or mean, hurtful behavior, but I do give them permission to "bless and release" those people who bring them down or frustrate them."
With that in mind, if my boys are particularly grumpy or short tempered about something, I ask them what is bugging them. If it's something we can't change (like the actions or words of another person) or if it's not helping us or moving us forward, then we "put it in a bubble and blow it away".
If it's simply their choice to be in a foul mood, then I remind them that no one can force them to be negative and it's a waste of their energy to hang out in that space, so let's "flip the switch". and shed some positive light on things
Surround yourself with light. I believe, as many people do, that our attitudes and energy are created or influenced by the people we spend the most time with. For that reason, I encourage my boys to seek out those people who they admire, respect and who make them feel energized and positive.
If your children are ever grumpy, moody, angry or negative, you'll want to hear from our parenting expert, Tara Kennedy-Kline. She'll tell you exactly how to help your kids "Flip the Switch."
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