Τρίτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Traits of a confident mom - Guest post

Traits of a Confident Mum

Have you ever met one of those moms who seems like they have it all together, isn't questioning her every move or decision and knows what's for dinner?

She is often the mom who's children aren't embarrassing her at the grocery store (well, at least most of the time!) she is wearing jeans and a t-shirt when she drops her children off at preschool rather than sweats and last night's dinner on her t-shirt and has a positive outlook, rather than a hopeless frustration.

Is she unrealistic?

I don't think so; in fact I know she is a reality for every mom out there! You can awaken the "Confident Mom" inside you too.

Let me share with you just a few traits that I feel are in every mom and sometimes they just need to be brought out and nurtured.  Precisely what I try to accomplish when I work with moms, either individually or in my group courses

She exhibits Confidence

This is a biggie - if you are always looking at "supermom" next door and wondering about your decisions, second guessing yourself and questioning your ability who do you think this affects.  You know what is right for you and your family, so it is up to you to do it and make the right decisions without continuing to doubt or question your ability. This does not mean you do not seek other's opinions at times or ask advice, but when you get set with a plan stick with it. Don't  act like a "wishy-washy" mom.

She displays Courage

Courage and confidence go hand-in-hand. When you feel confident in your decisions, it's not hard to muster up courage to explore new things. Whether you are struggling with a new parenting challenge, need to find support of other moms, or want to try a new exercise program, taking the first step is a very courageous move. This is how you continue to grow in your journey as a mom.  By not allowing yourself to get in a rut you will build new skills that will help your family but will probably be helpful to other moms in your circle.

She is Adaptable

Do you freak out when you get thrown a curve ball in your day? Or can you go with the flow and manage to change things fairly quickly to accommodate unseen circumstances? This has been a hard one for me to become more versed in, but I have made considerable progress! Being a mom means that you have to be willing to fit in with different situations, planned & most importantly unplanned! Change is constant and never ending, so by learning the best ways for you to "go with the flow" you will be blessing your family as well as helping to keep your stress level down.

She has a sense of Humor

Another really attractive trait that I've found in mom's who cope remarkably well is a sense of humor.  I have found that when I am struggling with a challenging parenting issue, sometimes I just have to use humor to deal with it, and wouldn't you know - it usually works to get my kids to behave or cooperate. I think it is because they are often caught off guard and then find the fun in seeing mom having fun. Why wouldn't they want to cooperate? So laugh - with and without your children - a little each day - it really does make a difference.

She takes care of Herself

The fact remains, if you are not taking care of yourself and filling yourself up - who will? It is certainly not your kids who have that responsibility and not your husbands. It ultimately is yours alone.  You cannot help anyone if you are out of breath! So find simple pleasures that will help boost your energy throughout the day. It doesn't have to be the big elaborate day at the spa (although that works!) but how about a cup of tea and sitting down for 10 minutes, or lighting a candle in your kitchen while you prepare dinner, or taking a shower BEFORE your kids start running you ragged and you cannot find a minute to break away to do it later. Be proactive and create a space to nurture yourself so you can be the best you can be for you and your family.

Which trait is one you need to focus on building?

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